Alex's passion for gemstones started at age 4, when he began his continuous interest and gem collection. While studying to become a GIA Graduate Gemologist, he noticed some beautiful photographs of gemstone inclusions. Jokingly saying to his wife that this would make wonderful art, this idea sat on the sidelines of his mind.
While preparing to move back to his hometown of Commerce, Michigan, Alex noticed an article in Gems and Gemology explaining how to get started in photographing gemstone inclusions. This resparked his idea of turning gemstone inclusions into art, and Inclusion Art began.
"Truth be told, I'm not biased to any particular gemstone - I love (almost) all of 'em! But what I love about the sunstones Ales has provided me with to photograph / photomicrograph is the quality. The sunstones from the PANA Mine have such rich color and beautiful schiller, and it brings me great joy to be able to sit and stare into these beauties."