Ales Patrick Krivanek(ウェブマスター)は、書面による許可がなければ、当サイトの参加者(Miner)やその他の専門家の個人プロフィールを変更、追加することができません。
Ales Patrick Krivanek(ウェブマスター)は、当サイトの参加者(Miner)やその他の専門家から書面による変更・追加・削除届けを受けてから適切な期間(通常は2~5日)以内にその変更・追加・削除を実施します。
Ales Patrick Krivanek(ウェブマスター)は、プロフィールオーナーによる、プロフィールの全部または一部の変更・削除などの依頼があった場合、速やかにその依頼の内容を実施します。
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Flawless 4.14ct blue-teal to pink-orange-red dichroic Oregon Sunstone from PANA-Mine, 2017 production.
Small example of PANA Mine faceted cuprian Oregon Sunstone.
Goodbye 2017 season! Everything is packed up and we are ready to leave.
Fee digging at PANA Mine is fun, addictive and very profitable. People from all over the world are coming to our mine for this amazing lifetime experience. (1)
Fee digging at PANA Mine is fun, addictive and very profitable. People from all over the world are coming to our mine for this amazing lifetime experience. (3)
Fee digging at PANA Mine is both addictive and very profitable. We try to inforce a 3-visitors a day limit but ocassionally we can accomodate for larger groups.
This is how big RED looks like right on the screening table.
We have over 1,500 m³ of concentrate prepared for the 2018 season. Many great gemstones will come out of these two piles.
Excavating new ore in April, 2017.
Ore processing plant. Summer 2017. (1)
Ore processing plant. Summer 2017. (2)
Ore processing plant. Summer 2017. (3)
Ore processing, July 2017.
Splitting stones with David Reinikka.
Many fee diggers kept coming back all summer long. Tavo Huizar and Kyle Hunter are some of the biggest fans of PANA Mine and our gems.
Hauling lumber for the new SolarSystem construction in PANA mine.
First production run of 2017.
Fee digging at PANA Mine is fun, addictive and very profitable. People from all over the world are coming to our mine for this amazing lifetime experience. (2)
Best and rarest colors typically found at PANA Mine, 2017 production.