













Titre de la publication:

Nom de l’auteur:

A propos de ce livre:



Notre avis:

Où acheter:

Oregon Sunstone

Robert James FGA, GG

La Sunstone de l’Oregon est la gemme officielle de l’état d’Oregon aux USA, et c’est l’une des plus rares et des plus chères gemmes de la planète. Peu de gens en Oregon ou en dehors connaissent vraiment l’histoire de ce qui se cache derrière cette gemme unique et des personnes incroyables qui l’exploitent. Ce livre raconte l’histoire des six années de voyage de l’auteur à travers la région de Rabbit Basin dans le haut désert au sud-est de l’Oregon. L’auteur vous emmène au cœur de la formation et l’histoire des Sunstones de l’Oregon, et vous fait rencontrer les mineurs qui ont laissé tout le confort de leur foyer derrière eux pour s’aventurer dans le désert sauvage et trouver de fabuleux trésors de la terre.

Merci d’encourager la riche histoire et le succès de la communauté de la Sunstone de l’Oregon en commandant, lisant et en parlant à tous vos amis de ce livre de renommée mondiale parlant de la Sunstone de l’Oregon. Nous ne pouvons dire assez de bien sur ce projet qui nous aide tous.

Little Eagle Butte Sunstone - A New Opportunity for Fee Digging in Oregon >

Il y a trois sections, Parties I, II, III – Livres, articles GIA, articles de journaux scientifiques




Partie I – LIVRES


  • Renee Newman - Exotic Gems How to Identify and Buy Tanzanite, Ammolite, Rhodochrosite, Zultanite, Sunstone, Moonstone & Other Feldspars (Newman Exotic Gem Series)







Videos and Pictures of sunstone on GIA site and all their articles:





Partie III - Articles de journaux scientifiques


  • Alt D.D, Hyndman D.W. (1978) Roadside Geology of Oregon. Mountain Press Publishing Co., Missoula, MT.  ▶︎ Amazon

  • Brueseke M.E., Heizler M.T., Hart W.K., Mertzman S.A. (2007) Distribution and geochronology of Oregon Plateau (U.S.A.) flood basalt volcanism: The Steens Basalt revisited. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 161, No. 3, pp. 187–214  ▶︎ ScienceDirect

  • Emmett J.L., Douthit T.R. (2009) Copper diffusion in plagioclase. GIA Thailand, August 21  ▶︎ pdf

  • Gunn B.M., Watkins N.D. (1970) Geochemistry of the Steen Mountain Basalts, Oregon. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 81, No. 5, pp. 1497–1516.  ▶︎ Amazon

  • Hofmeister A.M., Rossman G.R. (1985) Exsolution of metallic copper from Lake County labradorite. Geology, Vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 644–647  ▶︎ GeoScienceWorld
  • Johnston C.L., Gunter M.E., Knowles C.R. (1991) Sunstone labradorite from the Ponderosa mine, Oregon. G&G, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 220–233 ▶︎ pdf

  • McClure S.F. (2009) Observations on identification of treated feldspar. GIA Thailand, September 10 ▶︎ pdf

  • Peterson N.V. (1972) Oregon sunstones. Ore Bin, Vol. 34, pp. 197–215  ▶︎ pdf

  • Pough F.H. (1983) Heliolite, a transparent facetable phase of calcic labradorite. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 503–514 ▶︎ pdf

  • Rossman G.R. (2011) The Chinese red feldspar controversy: Chronology of research through July 2009. G&G, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 16–30 ▶︎ pdf

  • Sinkankas J. (1997) Gemstones of North America: Volume III. GeoScience Press Inc., Tucson, AZ. ▶︎ Amazon

  • Stewart D.B., Walker G.W., Wright T.L., Fahey J.J. (1966) Physical properties of calcic labradorite from Lake County. The American Mineralogist, Vol. 51, January–February, pp. 177–197 ▶︎ pdf

  • Walker G.W. (1979) Revisions to the Cenozoic stratigraphy of Harney Basin, Southeast Oregon. Geological Survey Bulletin 1475, United States Department of the Interior, Washington DC, 35 pp ▶︎ pdf


  • Abduriyim, Ahmadjan (2009) Characteristics of red andesine from the Himalaya Highland, Tibet. Journal of Gemmology, v. 31, n. 5-8, pp. 283-298  ▶︎ pdf

  • Abduriyim, Ahmadjan; McClure, Shane F.; Rossman, George R.; Leelawatanasuk, Thanong; Hughes, Richard W.; Laurs, Brendan M.; Isatelle, Flavie; Scarratt, Kenneth; Dubinsky, Emily V.; Douthit, Troy R.; Emmett, John L. (2011) Research on gem feldspar from the Shigatse region of Tibet. Gems & Gemology, v. 47, n. 2, pp. 167-180  ▶︎ pdf

  • Abduriyim, Ahmadjan (2009) Mine trip to Tibet and Inner Mongolia: Gemological study of andesine feldspar. GIA Website  ▶︎ pdf

  • Abduriyim, Ahmadjan (2009) Natural color andesine-labradorite from Tibet and Inner Mongolia. InColor, pp. 32-36  ▶︎ pdf

  • Arem, Joel E. (2009) Meet the feldspars: The gem kingdom's next rock star dynasty. Colored Stone, v. 22, n. 6, pp. 14-23

  • Barth, Thomas Frederik Welby (1969) Feldspars. Wiley-Interscience, New York.

  • Brace-Thompson, J. (2012) Special effects: Aventurescence. Rock & Gem, Vol. 42, No. 8, p. 39

  • Bracewell, Hylda (2009) Rare Australian gemstones: Moonstone. Gemmology Queensland, v. 10, n. 6, pp. 21-29.

  • Cao, Y. (2006) Study on the feldspar from Guyang County, Intermogolia [sic] and their color enhancement.

  • Chadwick, Karen M.; Breeding, Christopher M.; Simmons, William B. Skip; Falster, Alexander U.; Laurs, Brendan M. (2008) Gem news international: Green sodic plagioclase from East Africa. Gems & Gemology, v. 44, n. 1, pp. 83-85.

  • Choudhary, Gagan (2009) Aventurine K-Feldspar. Midland Focus, n. 14, pp. 13-17.

  • Clark, Gail O. (2003) Labradorite or spectrolite? Rock & Gem, v. 33, n. 8, pp. 64-67.

  • Emmett, John L.; Douthit, Troy R. (2009) Copper diffusion in plagioclase. GIA Website

  • Federman, David (2009) Feldspar's flying colors. Colored Stone, v. 22, n. 6, pp. 30-33.

  • Federman, David (2006) Gem profile: Andesine. Modern Jeweler, v. 105, n. 3, pp. 45-46.

  • Federman, David (2008) Gem profile: Oregon sunstone. Modern Jeweler, v. 107, n. 6, pp. 57-58.

  • Federman, David (2009) Northern lights. Colored Stone, v. 22, n. 5, pp. 7-8.

  • Federman, David (2002) Tanzanian sunstone. Modern Jeweler, v. 101, n. 11, pp. 25-26.

  • Feldspar mineralogy (1983) Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, D.C.

  • Feldspaths: Histoire, cristallochimie, minéralogie, macles et épitaxies, gisements, production et utilisations (2007) éditions CEDIM, Revigny.

  • Freeman, John J.; Wang, Alian; Kuebler, Karla E.; Jolliff, Bradley L.; Haskin, Larry A. (2008) Characterization of natural feldspars by Raman spectroscopy for future planetary exploration. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 46, pp. 1477-1500.

  • Fritsch, Emmanuel; Rondeau, Benjamin; Mocquet, Blanca; Lulzac, Yves (2008) Gem news international: 'Red andesine' from China: Possibly indication of diffusion treatment. Gems & Gemology, v. 44, n. 2, pp. 166-167.

  • Fritz, Eric A.; Laurs, Brendan M. (2007) Gem news international: Cat's-eye K-feldspar and other chatoyant gems from Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, v. 43, n. 2, pp. 170-171.

  • Gübelin, Eduard J. and John I. Koivula (2004) Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, [Volume 1]. 4th ed., Opinio Publishers, Basel.

  • Gübelin, Eduard J. and John I. Koivula (2005) Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, Volume 2. Opinio Publishers, Basel.

  • Hänni, Henry A. (2008) Feldspar family. Jewellery News Asia, n. 292, pp. 77-78.

  • Hänni, Henry A. (2009) Moonstones & Co.: A brief review of the feldspar group. Midlands Focus, n. 15, pp. 3-4, 8.

  • Henn, Ulrich (2004) Aventurescent plagioclase feldspar from Oregon, USA. Journal of Gemmology, v. 29, n. 2, pp. 72-74.

  • Henn, Ulrich (2006) "Rainbow-moonstone" from India. Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, v. 55, n. 3/4, pp. 133-136.

  • Henn, Ulrich (2005) Red transparent andesine from Congo. Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, v. 54, n. 1, pp. 53-55.

  • Henn, Ulrich; Milisenda, Claudio C.; Hager, Tobias (2005) Chatoyancy and asterism in feldspars from Tanzania. Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, v. 54, n. 1, pp. 43-46.

  • How simple feldspar becomes a precious stone (2000) Bangkok Gems & Jewellery, v. 14, n. 1, pp. 69-72.

  • Inns, Alethea; Breeding, Christopher M. (2008) Lab notes: Blue-green plagioclase feldspar, possibly colored by copper. Gems & Gemology, v. 44, n. 2, pp. 160-161.

  • James, Robert (2008) Grande truffa dell'andesina rossa. Rivista Gemmologica Italiana, v. 3, n. 3, pp. 215-223.

  • Jang-Green, HyeJin (2009) Gem news international: Transparent labradorite from Ketchikan, Alaska. Gems & Gemology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 67.

  • Johnston, Christopher L.; Gunter, Mickey E.; Knowles, Charles R. (1991) Sunstone labradorite from the Ponderosa Mine, Oregon. Gems & Gemology, v. 27, n. 4, pp. 220-233.

  • Jones, Bob (2001) Many varieties of feldspar. Rock & Gem, v. 31, n. 11, pp. 64-66, 68.

  • Kitawaki, Hiroshi (2003) Natural andesine. Gemmology, Japan, v. 34, n. 401, p. 7.

  • Koivula, John I. (1987) Gem news: "Rainbow moonstones" are labradorite. Gems & Gemology, v. 23, n. 3, p. 174.

  • Koivula, John I.; Kammerling, Robert C. (1989) Gem news: A beautiful new form of orthoclase. Gems & Gemology, v. 25, n. 1, p. 47.

  • Koivula, John I.; Kammerling, Robert C. (1991) Gem news: Sunstone/iolite mixture. Gems & Gemology, v. 27, n. 4, pp. 261-262.

  • Koivula, John I.; Kammerling, Robert C.; Fritsch, Emmanuel (1992) Gem news: Feldspar-and-amphibole gem from Egypt. Gems & Gemology, v. 28, n. 4, pp. 271-272.

  • Krzemnicki, Michael S. (2004) Red and green labradorite feldspar from Congo. Journal of Gemmology, v. 29, n. 1, pp. 15-23.

  • Kyi, U Hla; Thu, U. Kyaw (2004) Pink gem quality orthoclase from the Mogok stone tract, Myanmar. Australian Gemmologist, v. 22, n. 1, pp. 32-34.

  • Laurs, Brendan M. (2005) Gem news international: Gem plagioclase reportedly from Tibet. Gems & Gemology, v. 41, n. 4, pp. 356-357.

  • Laurs, Brendan M.; Rossman, George R.; Shigley, James E. (2005) Gem news international: Green orthoclase feldspar from Vietnam. Gems & Gemology, v. 41, n. 4, pp. 354-355.

  • McClure, Shane F. (2009) Observations on identification of treated feldspar. GIA Website

  • Milisenda, Claudio C.; Wehr, K. (2009) Green oligoclase from Tanzania. Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, v. 52, n. 3/4, p. 78.

  • Moine, Chantal (1995) Les feldspaths gemmes: Approche.

  • Moore, A. (2011) Dust Devil mine: Dig your own Oregon sunstones. Rock & Gem, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 20-24.

  • Mystery of moonstones (2004) Idex Magazine, v. 19, n. 176, pp. 73-74.

  • Pearson, Grant (2008) Photoessay on Tanzanian star sunstone. Australian Gemmologist, v. 23, n. 7, pp. 311-313.

  • Quinn, Elizabeth P.; Muhlmeister, Sam M.; Laurs, Brendan M. (2005) Gem news international: Albitic "moonstone" from the Morogoro region, Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, v. 41, n. 1, pp. 60-61.

  • Robertson, Stuart M. (2007) Andesine feldspar. The Guide; Gem Market News, v. 26, n. 1, p. 10.

  • Rose, Christopher H. (2004) Rising sunstone. Lapidary Journal, v. 58, n. 3, pp. 28-31.

  • Roskin, Gary (2003) Jewel of the month: Moonstone (orthoclase feldspar). Jewelers' Circular-Keystone, v. 174, n. 11, pp. 66-68.

  • Roskin, Gary (2001) Jewel of the month: Sunstone. Jewelers' Circular-Keystone, v. 172, n. 8, pp. 65-66.

  • Rossman, George R. (2009) Red feldspar project - interim report. GIA Website

  • Rossman, George R. (2011) Chinese red feldspar controversy: Chronology of research through July 2009. Gems & Gemology, v. 47, n. 1, pp. 16-30.

  • Rossman, George R. (2010) Pierre de soleil de l'Oregon et feldspath rough de Chine, la controverse. Revue de Gemmologie a.f.g., n. 172, pp. 5-10

  • Schmetzer, Karl; Bernhardt, Heinz-Jürgen; Gübelin, Edward J. (2003) Rubin und pargasit als einschlüsse in plagioklas. Lapis, n. 6, pp. 44-46.

  • Skuratowicz, Arthur; Nash, Julie (2005) Feldspar. American Jewelry Manufacturer (AJM), v. 50, n. 3, pp. 65-66.

  • Smith, Joseph V.; Brown, Wiliam L. (1988) Feldspar minerals: Crystal structures, physical, chemical and microtextural properties. Springer-Verlag, New York.

  • Sokolov, Maria (2007) Characterization of Pb and selected trace elements in amazonitic K-feldspar.

  • Thirangoon, Kamolwan (2009) Observation of effects of heating and copper diffusion in feldspar (an on-going research). GIA Website

  • Thompson, Sharon Elaine (2007) Oregon sunstone. Jewelry Artist, v. 61, n. 6, p. 22.

  • Webster, Robert (1949) Aventurine: Glass, feldspar, quartz. Gems & Gemology, v. 6, n. 7 , pp. 207-211.

  • Weldon, Robert (2001) Mystery glitter: An example where the inclusion makes the gem. Professional Jeweler, v. 4, n. 5, p. 50.

  • White, John S. (2006) The plagioclase feldspars. Rocks & Minerals, v. 81, n. 4, pp. 315-316.

  • Working with sunstone (2003) American Jewelry Manufacturer (AJM), v. 48, n. 8, p. 18.

Titre de la publication:

Oregon Sunstone


Nom de l’auteur:

Robert James FGA, GG


A propos de ce livre:

La Sunstone de l’Oregon est la gemme officielle de l’état d’Oregon aux USA, et c’est l’une des plus rares et des plus chères gemmes de la planète. Peu de gens en Oregon ou en dehors connaissent vraiment l’histoire de ce qui se cache derrière cette gemme unique et des personnes incroyables qui l’exploitent. Ce livre raconte l’histoire des six années de voyage de l’auteur à travers la région de Rabbit Basin dans le haut désert au sud-est de l’Oregon. L’auteur vous emmène au cœur de la formation et l’histoire des Sunstones de l’Oregon, et vous fait rencontrer les mineurs qui ont laissé tout le confort de leur foyer derrière eux pour s’aventurer dans le désert sauvage et trouver de fabuleux trésors de la terre.


Notre avis:

Merci d’encourager la riche histoire et le succès de la communauté de la Sunstone de l’Oregon en commandant, lisant et en parlant à tous vos amis de ce livre de renommée mondiale parlant de la Sunstone de l’Oregon. Nous ne pouvons dire assez de bien sur ce projet qui nous aide tous.


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